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Sweet by Holly


UX Researcher, UI Designer


1.5 weeks


Solo Project


Figma, Zoom, Google Suites

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Instagram is a popular social media platform that started as a photo-sharing service. In 2016, the platform expanded into retail with its “Shop” feature. The goal is to become a social media users’ one-stop-shop for its 1.44 billion users.


Re-design a contemporary bakery e-commerce site to keep up with competitors and increase online orders. 


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Gathering Data

Our Users' Needs

Stimulate UX







Understand Our Users

Brainstorm Solutions

Validate with Users


Before creating any ideations, we gathered data on what is currently wrong with the existing feature and how it compares to the competitors. Find out who the target demographic is for online purchases. What are their needs and frustrations?


Following the research phase, I synthesized the information to guide us in interactions, navigation, product features, and visual design decisions. We looked for themes and trends within the data to make informed designs.


A representation of the hypothetical archetype of actual users we are targeting.

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The Problem

Midori wants a seamless experience ordering baked goods online because she doesn't have time to go to the bakery.

How Might We ...

HMW expedite the ordering process on Sweet by Holly?

Ideate & Design



Mid Fi Wireframes


Hi Fi Prototype

With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible solutions to solve the existing problems utilizing the design studio method.

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Style Guide

The original colors utilized in the existing site were straining on the eyes of some users. Users also stated that the color choices made it difficult to read.


To make the site more user-friendly and assessable, I chose a new set of colors inspired by Sweet by Holly's Logo: yellow, orange, and pink. I minimized the use of red on the site and wanted to create more fun and playful aesthetic.

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Before and After


  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

Before and After


  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

Before and After


  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

  • With an understanding of users' behaviors, needs, and frustrations. We started drafting possible 

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